VO2Max testing reveals the exercise level that will optimize a person’s ability to burn fat. The term “aerobic exercise” has been commonly used in relation to burning fat. But without VO2 testing, fitness professionals have had to rely on crude estimates to determine what level of exercise intensity would be “aerobic” or fat burning. Now, with VO2Max testing readily available, you can know the precise level of intensity that will truly maximize the amount of fat you burn.” width=””][vc_empty_space height=”35″][mkdf_button size=”” type=”” hover_type=”” target=”_self” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”” text=”Schedule a Free Consultation” custom_class=”centered_button” link=”moreenergyhealth.com/contact”][vc_empty_space height=”40px”]
High Fitness, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, etc.
Group Fitness Training
Circuit training, weight lifting, stretching, etc.
Personal Training
Training with certified personal trainer
Online Fitness Training
Access to fitness resources online